Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Not many water process engineers available

Even though produced water treatment is occurring for some years, I feel that it is still new or in developing phase for oilfields. Just due to more and more strict environmental regulations every oilfield is trying to do it but many of them are still struggling it. It seems there are not many engineers mainly working on produced water treatment even though it is a big part of oil production process. Some engineers( but not many) are working in oil sands SAGD fields for water treatment.

I feel that generally we do not have many water process engineers for oil and gas industry. I hope my feeling is wrong. I just hope more and more engineers join this topic, discuss about it and contribute to oil and gas water process.


  1. You are right. I am water process engineer in the oil industry but we had a hard time to find a lead for our project.
    When I was in MS course, the mjority of my classmates decided to go to municipal sector, which is more stable market. Just few of us decided to go for "industrial water treatment" and a fraction of them (who is only me) decided to be spicialized in oil and gas. After 2009, some of "potential" experts decided to move to municipal sector.
    This is the story.


  2. Hi, Mohammad,

    Thanks for your comments. Sounds like your background is similar to mine. I feel water process for oil and gas has better future than for municipal sector, because I think water process for municipal sector is more mature and not much space to explore than oil and gas industry. Some people said water process for oil and gas is already mature too and all technologies are available,but I do not think so.
